Even if travelling is due to the Covid-19 pandemic not possible - get in touch with us and plan your research abroad. Contact Margit via e-mail or by phone (+49 162 27 78 790)!
History, application, approaches, evaluation, metrics, models, data: Get a unique and comprehenisve overview on Machine Translation our first MOOC now available on Coursera.

Alex Waibel recieved the ICMI Sustained Accomplishment Award at the 2019 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction in Suzhou (Shanghai) China the 15-17 October. The Sustained Accomplishment Award is awarded each year at ICMI to a senior scientist who has made innovative, long-lasting, and influential contributions to the field of multimodal/multimedia interaction. Further information...

The Lecture Translator was successfully offered as service for foreign participants at the annual celebration of KIT on May 16, 2019. All presentations, talks and discussions were translated from German to English. Prof. Alex Waibel discussed visions, chances and risks of Artificial Intelligence, more information….
KIT students can apply for the interACT exchange by June 24, 2019, further information...
"Artificial Intelligence" was the topic of the Masterclass @ ARTE (Strasbourg, France) on June 15, 2018. Alex Waibel was invited for a keynote on "Machine Intelligence and a Language Transparent World".
Please see the new deadline for the application for the interACT exchange program which is now July 02, 2018!
Alex Waibel held a keynote on "Toward a Language Transparent World" on the International Annual Meeting on Computer-Assisted Translation and Terminology at the United Nations Office at Geneva on May 08, 2018.

On March 21, 2018 Prof. Alex Waibel received the certificate by the Leopoldina, one of the oldest academies of science in the world. Prof. Waibel is part of "class 1 - Mathematics, natural science and engineering".

Inside the ZKM, the „open codes exhibit“, the hackathon a sort of inventor competition, takes place. Join the hackathon on the weekend, learn about apps, get in touch with the teams and the jury
On the Symposium organized by Leopoldina on „Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning“, to be held on March 22, 2018 Prof. Waibel will give a lecture on: Intelligent Systems Breaking the Language Barrier. All interested are Kindly invited, please register see link
During the official ceremony on March 21, Prof. Dr. Alex Waibel will receive his certificate by the Leopoldina. Please register for the event and the following lecture on „the architecture of the internet - trends and risks“ by Prof. Anja Feldmann see link
Prof. Alex Waibel was invited by the European Parliament to present the automatic simultaneous lecture translation system @ the "European Parliament Administrative Innovation Day", Brussels, January 12, 2018.
The 15th International Workshop on Spoken Language will take place in Bruges, Belgium on Oct. 30-31, 2018 - save the date!

interACT's partners organized the 14th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT) at Waseda University, Japan, on Dec. 14&15, 2017. Further info...
Do your final thesis in one of the best research labs worldwide! Next deadline for application is June 18, 2018. Browse further info here...
On October 12, 2017 (10.00-12.00am) KIT welcomes its new international students. The Lecture Translator is our welcome gift for all newcomers and will be presented during the welcome-event in the Audimax (further info...) - come and join us!
Alex Waibel will give a keynote on "Multilingual and Multimodal Assistants and Mediators" @ the 5th International Conference on Human-Agent-Interaction, to be held in Bielefeld, Germany on Oct. 17-20, 2017
Do your final thesis in one of the best research labs worldwide! Next deadline for application is Nov. 27, 2017. Browse further info here...
We presented our simultaneous machine translation on June 30, 2017 within the open door day at KIT's campus north. About 35.000 people visited the open door day!
Alex Waibel was invited to discuss the "The next generation internet - a key priority of the future" during the "Digital Assembly", organized by the European Commission in Malta on June 15-16, 2017. Follow the discussion via web stream....
The German Rector's Conference (HRK) will award Prof. Alex Waibel "Ehrensenator" on Monday, June 26, 2017. Further information on HRK-web
Doing your Bachelor- or Masterthesis in one of the best labs worldwide? Apply for the interACT exchange program until May 15, 2017. Further information...
"The use of MT at universities" was the topic of Alex Waibel's keynote @ the 2nd ELRC Conference, Brussels, Oct. 26. On the "Translating Europe Forum 2016", organised on Oct. 27&28 by the European Commission, Prof. Waibel presented in the "Tech-lab" during the hands-on sessions with experts his simultaneous automatic translation as tools to help with translations.
How to get abroad during my studies? The event: "Studying computer-science - going abroad" will inform about all possibilities to study in a foreign country, including interACT. Join us on October 26, 2016, 5.30 pm, Bldg. 50.34, KIT.
interACT will present its simultaneous translation system as a service for international students at KIT welcome day on October 12, 2016 in the entrance hall of "Audimax". Join us and gather more information on the service...
Do your final thesis in one of the best labs worldwide! Next application deadline for scholarships is Nov. 06, 2016 - further information can be found here... or contact Margit Rödder (e-mail).
Building Bridges - Breaking Barriers: Video online! We could gain high level speakers from research, industry and politics for our symposium: Building Bridges - Breaking Barriers, to be held on July 14 and 15 in Baden-Baden. Spot the symposium in 10 minutes (video)
CLICS was presented during the "international breakfast", which followed the official opening by KIT's vice president for innovation and international affairs, Prof. Dr. Thomas Hirth on Monday 26, 2016. The International Networking Days were organised by KIT's international department (see program...)

interACT recieves Meta Prize The META Prize is awarded by the META Technology Council to outstanding products or services supporting the European Multilingual Information Society. In 2016 interACT was awarded for its outstanding and innovative contributions to cross-lingual and multilingual communication technologies (further information...)
We could gain high-level speakers for our symposium on the occasion of interACT's 25th birthday. See the detailed program here....
Building Bridges - Breaking Barriers is the topic of the international symposium on the occasion of interACT's 25 birthday. We will celebrate in Baden-Baden Germany on July 14-16,2016. For further information please visit the event-web under: www.interact25.org.
There will be a special issue of MT Journal on the topic of Spoken Language Translation. Deadline for paper submission is July 15,2016. Call for papers see here...
The 2016 International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), which is mainly organised by the interACT-partners, will be held in Seattle on Dec. 08-09, 2016! Save the date!
The next deadline for the application of an interACT scholarship is on June 30, 2015, more information...
The International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT) is mainly organised by the interACT-partners: Next IWSLT will take place in Hanoi, Vietnam on Dec. 03-04, 2015 - save the date!
interACT kindly invites to a lecture given by Prof. Satoshi Nakamura (interACT associate director at NAIST) with the title: Toward Simultaneous Speech-to-speech Translation.
KIT, Bldg. 50.20, room 148
June 06, 2014: 5.00-6.30pm
interACT kindly invites all students and interested faculty to the interACT seminar given by Prof. Satoshi Nakamura on:
Information Theory: Source Coding
KIT: June 3-6, 2014 ⎪05.00 - 06.30 pm ⎪ Bldg. 50.20, Room 223
In 2013 interACT has celebrated its 10th anniversary. Find the interACT-highlights in our new publication...

On Feb. 07, 2014 we had the pleasure of the visit of a high level delegation from NAIST in order to discuss the future collaboration in interACT
Prof. Stefan Riezler, Heidelberg University will hold a lecture on "Theoretical and Practical Grounding in Empirical Computational Linguistics" @ ISL on February 11, 2014, Bldg. 50.20, room 148, 05.30 - 06.30pm. Title is: Theoretical and Practical Grounding in Empirical Computational Linguistics. Abstract/Bio

Professor Tsukasa Ogasawara of the Graduate School of Information Science (GSIS) and CIR Director Noriko Ito, both NAIST, visited Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany to discuss future academic and research collaboration. NAIST GSIS already works closely togehter with the lab of Prof. Rüdiger Dillmann, KIT. They agreed to continue and expand the existing collaboration through student exchange and research activities. More information...

Prof. Alex Waibel, KIT and CMU, presented the automtic simultaneous lecture translation technology at the European Parliament on the conference: „New Technologies and Education for Multilingualism going Global“ (October 18 and 19, 2012). Follow his talk „Simultaneous Machine Interpretation – Utopia?“ via the live stream. More information...

Randy Bryant, Dean of the School of Computer Science at CMU will give a distinguished lecture at KIT on October 24, 2012, Bldg. 50.34, room -101, 5.30 - 7.00pm. Title is: Data-intensive Scalable Computing. Abstract/Bio
Nara Institute of Science and Technology joined interACT on April 09, 2012. KIT president Horst Hippler and NAIST president Akira Isogai signed the cooperative agreement at NAIST.